Hand reaching to string lights


Creating powerful communication and engagement with exceptional results


Do you have something to say? A moment to seize, an issue to counter, or an audience to engage? Rowland’s Communication specialists will help you find, enhance or protect your voice.

We help you design and deliver your message clearly and effectively: via the right channels, to the right people, at the right time.

Whether your stakeholders are internal or external, local or global, we integrate strategic communication with emerging technologies to identify, reach and engage.

From helping you manage a crisis, prepare for an IPO or M&A, launch a new product or service, or enter a new market, our Communication team will ensure your brand and reputation is enhanced, protected, and remembered by the people who matter.

Since Rowland was founded, we have helped companies across all major industries build, develop, maintain and protect their reputations. We bring to life corporate vision, shape internal culture, and manage external reputation through strategic corporate communication and positioning.

Working with you, and using data-led insights, we develop a deep understanding of your stakeholders and operating environment, to map an achievable path forward that creates impact and meets your business objectives.


  • Strategy development and implementation
  • Positioning and re-positioning
  • Brand strategy and corporate identity
  • Campaign development
  • Market research — market trends, stakeholder interviews, focus groups, surveys
  • Corporate writing and editing

At Rowland, we know issues and crises can strike at any time of the day or night — and we know exactly what to do when they occur.

We have worked on some of Australia’s most difficult and high-profile issues, providing sensitive but forthright advice and expert crisis communication support to organisations and their stakeholders at the very worst of times — from workplace fatalities and injuries, employee misdemeanours, sexual misconduct, environmental disasters, product tampering and recalls, industrial action, plant closures, and poor financial performance.


  • On-call, 24/7 crisis and issues management specialists
  • Crisis and issues communication strategy and advice
  • Media advice and monitoring
  • Community perceptions auditing using sophisticated digital tools
  • Litigation communication support
  • Spokesperson training
  • Crisis preparedness
  • Crisis exercises and training
  • Brand and reputation recovery
  • Regulatory, government and political interface
  • Special interest group embracement

Our Brand, Marketing and Media Relations specialists create compelling campaigns that help businesses embed their brands in the hearts and minds of their target audiences. Our philosophy is to ensure brands make a meaningful connection and build value over time — be they people, products, companies or places.

We have significant experience developing, building and stewarding memorable brands and creative marketing campaigns that speak to audiences with clarity and energy across all channels.


  • Campaign strategy, planning and creative copywriting
  • Marketing communication strategy and plans
  • Content planning and support
  • Media strategy
  • Public relations
  • Thought leadership and profiling
  • Narrative and collateral development
  • Brand naming and identity
  • Brand strategy and messaging
  • Brand audits
  • Social media strategy, planning and content

Our Organisational and Change Communication team has a deep understanding of how organisations work, what drives employee engagement, and how to make change stick.

Communication plays a pivotal role in building and sustaining a positive, resilient workplace culture — particularly during times of change or hardship. We appreciate each organisation is unique, and take the time to work out the best approach for each workplace environment.


  • Strategy development, planning and implementation support
  • Governance and frameworks for organisational change, employee, industrial relations, or project-specific communication
  • Organisational resilience
  • Crisis and issues management
  • Leadership communication skills development and coaching
  • Communication research, reviews, and audits
  • Tactical advice — channels, tools, evaluation metrics, social media
  • Collateral production
  • Intranet design and content
  • Event management

Our specialist financial communication consultants have worked in corporate finance, journalism and investor relations, and speak the language of the capital markets.

We help companies effectively manage relationships with capital markets and the media, to protect and enhance shareholder value and corporate reputation.


  • Communication support for:
    • AGMs and EGMs
    • IPOs and capital raisings
    • Takeover bids and defence strategies
    • ESG reporting – Corporate restructuring
    • Financial issues management
    • Activist shareholder defence
  • Writing and producing financial reporting materials including earnings and other ASX announcements, annual reports, sustainability reports, AGM speeches, prospectuses and roadshow presentations
  • Financial media strategy, support and training
  • Strategic investor relations advice
  • Online and social media strategy

We develop stakeholder engagement strategies and provide hands-on implementation support for a wide range of projects and sectors, including major infrastructure planning, property, resources, and energy sector developments, and local, state and federal government initiatives.

Always taking a risk management approach, our focus is to understand, mitigate or manage community or stakeholder concerns so they do not impact operations. We’ll work with you to identify your key stakeholders, analyse your operating environment, and develop effective strategies and execution plans to understand opinions and facilitate social acceptance.


  • Stakeholder consultation and engagement
  • Stakeholder perceptions research and mapping
  • Indigenous engagement, in partnership with Winangali
  • Social impact assessment consultation
  • Sustainability report development
  • Independent verification and certification
  • Social performance
  • Funding and grant submissions

For more than 30 years, Rowland has helped the business community engage with governments and oppositions of the day.

Our government relations experts have extensive political and departmental experience at local, state and federal levels — helping organisations successfully engage with government to achieve mutually beneficial goals.


  • Direct government liaison and negotiation
  • Government submission writing
  • Detailed understanding of government policy and approval processes
  • Research and issues monitoring
  • Monitoring and interpreting government policy positions, drivers and trends
  • Government stakeholder mapping
  • Timely, strategic and appropriate communication with government representatives and officials
  • Advocacy and campaign development
  • Integrated public affairs campaigns
  • Support to prepare for parliamentary committee appearances
  • Tailored briefing packs and engagement support
  • Developing narrative and messaging