
Training & Development

Transforming people through powerful communication training


Leadership, relationships, culture and reputation all hinge on communication. It’s about what happens in the ‘moment of truth’ when we interact with our stakeholders — moments that can impact individual and organisational success.

Rowland’s Training and Development team can teach you how to communicate with influence and impact, and positively manage your moments of truth.

We offer a wide range of practical courses that give participants the tools, tips and techniques — and ultimately the confidence — to have more meaningful, successful interactions.

We tell our clients practice makes perfect, and we’ve had lots! We’ve trained more than 10,000 people to communicate with influence and impact, and — as practitioners — every day we put ourselves through the same paces as our clients.

Our trainers and facilitators come from diverse backgrounds — communication, marketing, journalism, customer service, corporate leadership, stakeholder engagement, acting and coaching — and are subject-matter experts who, through our communication training, share what we do every day for our clients.

Pay Now, Train Later

Whether you need to deliver a powerful presentation, navigate a challenging conversation, improve your writing skills or nail that media interview, our Communicate with Influence courses will set you up for success.

Our highly tailored and practical courses are run in small and large groups or one-on-one — ensuring you come away with the tools, tips and confidence you need to communicate with influence.


  • Powerful Presentations
  • Media Training
  • Write with Impact
  • Challenging Conversations
  • Communicating in Times of Change
  • Fair and Effective Facilitation
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Great Client Relationships
  • Crisis and Issues Training

You can never be too prepared when it’s time to talk to the media. Having been on both sides of ‘the mic’, our experienced trainers will give you the techniques and tools to keep calm and communicate your messages no matter what questions come your way.

From how to use key messages to the importance of tone and body language, our training is practical and personalised to ensure you get what you need to communicate through the media to your stakeholders.


  • Deliver your messages clearly
  • Communicate with authenticity
  • Respond to questions effectively
  • Handle yourself under pressure.

Unlock the power of your personal positioning to enhance your impact and lead with purpose, in a way that is authentically you.

Through a highly personal and enlightening series of sessions, we’ll help you understand the power of personal positioning, explore and develop your unique brand story, appreciate the importance of attitude and ‘moments of truth’, and master how to be more intentional and make an emotional connection with the stakeholders who can influence your success.


  • Bring your personal positioning to life through everyday interactions
  • Lead and communicate with a clear sense of purpose
  • Unlock your personal power for a positive impact on your work and others

Cutting through complex matters to get to the core of the issue, our highly skilled and experienced facilitators are adept at quickly understanding and interpreting technical and organisational information, strategic intent, and context to create meaningful, productive forums.

We facilitate

  • Strategic planning days
  • Reference groups
  • Brand positioning workshops
  • Mission and vision workshops
  • Key message workshops
  • Community consultation forums

Every day we help managers, executives and emerging leaders sharpen their soft skills and be more intentional about their interactions, both internally and externally. Our trainers are senior leaders and lifelong learners themselves who understand leadership doesn’t come naturally to everyone, and that in today’s evolving workplaces even the most experienced leaders must continually adapt.


  • Communicate with Influence
  • Communicate in Times of Change
  • Brand You — The Power of Personal Positioning

Our pragmatic coaching and mentoring programs are designed to meet individual needs and can be as formal or as informal as desired. What doesn’t vary is our commitment to helping you become highly self-aware and equipped to actively influence perceptions at every opportunity.

See what previous participants have to say about our training.

“Incredible program. Best training I’ve had.”

“I have been spruiking this training to anyone and everyone who will listen because I found it so valuable. Rowland’s recommendations regarding presenting and engaging via Teams is something I will immediately adopt.”

“Really great facilitators who created a very open and safe environment for the training.”

“I can’t remember the last time I received such spot on, constructive feedback. I have already started to implement the learnings from this course and it has been a game-changer.”