Message from the Chairman – April 2019
Welcome to the April 2019 edition of Rowland On Point.
This is our central thought-leadership repository, so I hope you find these articles of interest and value. And that’s critical at Rowland — we only want to work for clients if we can add real value to their businesses.
As always, the articles cover a range of topics and perspectives relevant to modern society and the business world — reputation management, brand, politics, digital, data, etc.
As the world we live in becomes increasingly unsettled on so many different fronts, I hope that our commentary on such matters assists you understand the multiplicity of external environments in which your business operates, and helps you effectively navigate these environments during these uncertain times.
With there being so much change happening throughout the world, organisations need to be resolute on their business strategy and focus, while remaining nimble and flexible to capitalise on opportunities when they are presented, and to address or counter any issues as they arise.
In Rowland, you have a strategic partner that is intent on providing you with this assistance.