Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan (QRIDP)

Stakeholder engagement

Robust and engaging consultation

In April 2021, the Department of Resources engaged Rowland, in partnership with the Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS), to develop and deliver a consultation program for the development of the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan (QRIDP).

The QRIDP has a key focus on targets for industry growth and measures to responsibly unlock resources, resulting in more jobs, opportunities and exports. In addition, it aims to remove barriers to growth, and identify strategies and actions to help regional communities recover from the impacts of COVID-19.

The development of the QRIDP was informed by broad consultation with industry and community, among a range of other key studies and independent analyses.

Rowland developed a comprehensive consultation strategy to support this process alongside a consultation program, highlighting key stakeholder groups, engagement approach, messaging, key communication and engagement activities, timing, and engagement tools and channels.

The overarching goal of the consultation program was to facilitate robust, all-inclusive and best practice stakeholder and community engagement to inform the development of the QRIDP, positioning the plan as an opportunity for stakeholders to have their say about the future of the resources sector.

Rowland, in partnership with QCOSS, then delivered the consultation program, including the facilitation of seven in-person engagement sessions across key Queensland resource regions, one virtual engagement session with frontline resource workers and a series of stakeholder interviews with community organisations.

Interactive tools were leveraged throughout engagement activities, such as Mentimeter (an interactive polling software), vox-pops and in-depth table group discussions, to further engage participants and provide additional feedback mechanisms.

Following the completion of the consultation period, Rowland and QCOSS prepared a comprehensive post-consultation report, highlighting key themes and trends identified across the various engagement channels and platforms, as well as key observations and lessons learned from engagement activities to help inform future engagement.


  • Strategy development
  • Stakeholder and community engagement
  • Facilitation
  • Report writing

Interactive tools were leveraged throughout engagement activities to further engage participants and provide additional feedback mechanisms.