Communicating Translink’s new Smart Ticketing technology
After undertaking research to inform the creative concept and messaging, Rowland developed a campaign centred around Marlu the kangaroo – the Rhyming Roo.
Marlu adopts several different personas to appeal to the broad range of Translink commuters, and incorporates simple rhyme to be memorable, while outlining the benefits and features of Smart Ticketing. The campaign tested well with focus groups for likeability, comprehension and message retention, and after an initial trial of Smart Ticketing on the Gold Coast light rail, the campaign was rolled out across south-east Queensland.
Rowland managed the development of campaign animations, radio ads, TV ad scripting, and campaign ambassador Taliqua Clancy.

- Brand positioning
- Brand development and collateral
- Corporate identity guide
- Photography and video production
“Kim knew how to start her day. Tapping her card on and off to pay”. Simple rhyme was used in this campaign to outline the benefits and features of Smart Ticketing.