Sleepout and speak up: Elevating the Queensland CEO Sleepout
The Vinnies CEO Sleepout® is an annual, national event run by the St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) to raise awareness of and funds to address the issue of homelessness. The event challenges business, community and government leaders to sleep rough for one night and raise funds for Vinnies’ homeless support services.
For the 2024 event, Rowland helped launch the Sleepout with a ‘Cardboard home’ activation in Queen Street Mall, Brisbane City. Rowland created 250 cardboard houses, symbolising the number of homes requiring funding for the Vinnies 500 Homes project. Vinnies volunteers and housing experts were present to engage with the public, providing information about the project and encouraging participation. Media outlets were invited to a media call, resulting in coverage and interviews with key Vinnies’ business and community stakeholders.
Rowland and Vinnies Queensland were honoured to receive the prestigious 2024 CPRA Golden Target Award recognising the effectiveness of the campaign.

Rowland has partnered with Vinnies Queensland since 2013 to plan, promote and execute the Vinnies CEO Sleepout® campaign in Queensland. Support each year is tailored to meet client requirements and specific campaign objectives, including developing and executing multi-audience integrated marketing communication strategies and securing significant media coverage in the lead-up to, during and following the event.
Winner: 2024 CPRA Golden Target Award (not-for-profit category) | Winner: 2018 PR Daily’s Nonprofit PR Award (fundraising campaign) | Winner: 2016 Asia-Pacific SABRE Awards (not-for-profit category)
- Communication strategy
- Media relations
- Issues management
- Communications design
- Video production
In partnership, Rowland and Vinnies Queensland have exceeded fundraising and participation objectives on many occasions and secured multiple awards for the Queensland Vinnies CEO Sleepout campaigns.